JS Objects

JS is an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language.

An OOP language allows us to define our own objects and make our own variable types.

Basically, an object is a special kind of data. It has properties and methods. See the examples below.


Example 1


<h3>JS Objects</h3>

<p id="test"></p>

//creating an object with some properties
var student = {
firstName: "Sandip",
lastName: "Sharma",
roll: 20,
stream: "CSE"

//displaying data from the object
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML =
student.firstName + " is from " + student.stream + " with " + student.roll + ".";




JS Objects

Sandip is from CSE with 20.


Example 2


<h3>JS Objects</h3>

<p id="test"></p>

//creating an object with some properties and method
var student = {
firstName: "Sandip",
lastName: "Sharma",
roll: 20,
stream: "CSE",
fullName : function() {
return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName;

//displaying data from the object
document.getElementById("test").innerHTML =
student.fullName() + " with roll number " + student.roll + " is from Dept. of " + student.stream + ".";




JS Objects

Sandip Sharma with roll number 20 is from Dept. of CSE.